Foxley Wood, Norfolk Wildlife Trust


Foxley Wood in Norfolk is managed by the Wildlife Trust and required an extensive range of interpretation and orientation displays to help visitors navigate the site and learn more about the local flora and fauna.

Norfolk Wildlife Trust has often chosen products from our standard range and Foxley Wood was no exception. Bowman™ displays manufactured from Oak were featured at the main entrance to welcome and orientate visitors, supported by an impressive Oak interpretive shelter positioned just off the main car park.

Waymarker posts were positioned at decision points throughout the nature reserve, to help visitors stay on the right track, with informative interpretive lecterns from our Musketeer™ range providing additional information as visitors navigated the site.

Sensitive areas were protected by polite warning signs, to prevent the trampling of fauna and disturbance of wildlife, attached to existing posts and printed in sympathetic colours.

Interpretation boards were faithfully reproduced from client supplied artwork and printed on durable n-viro™ panels, to protect them from the elements.

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